Tonight, all around the world, cocktails of all sorts will be raised to ring in the new year, 2007. Each year we promise ourselves certain resolutions, but oftentimes (at least I know this to be true of myself…) we let ourselves slip as the months go by and we retire right back into our old habits.
So this year I propose a different way of going about those ‘new year’s resolutions’. A big fan of to-do lists, last January a friend and I sat down to create a ‘To Do in the New Year’ list and placed 5 items on our respectable pieces of paper. They ranged in topic from learning how to make a great mojito to getting a guy to commit. With our lists in hand we set forth to place checks in the tiny boxes by each to-do item and this approach seemed to really work!
So try to make your list and the things you place on it don’t need to be drastic items like ‘Lose 50 pounds’ or ‘Fall in Love’. Have you just been craving a Burberry scarf for years? Put it on your list and use it as a treat for accomplishing other ‘to-dos’ that can be done throughout the year. This way you’re guaranteeing yourself a few resolutions that will become reality and as for the ones you don’t finish? Add ’em to 2008!
Happy New Year to all!
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