Coffee Run

May 8, 2017

The Everlane Day Heel on blogger Meghan Donovan of wit & whimsy

This week is going to call for alllllllll the coffee for me as I attempt to play catch up after two weeks away. I spent most of the weekend catching up on my inboxes, my to do list and a very long list of errands but even after that I still feel like there’s so much going on that I need to tackle! Enter: caffeine!

The Everlane Day Heel on blogger Meghan Donovan of wit & whimsy

My posting schedule while I was away ended up being even more abbreviated than I thought as while I was in the South of France the wifi was very, very slow and I was unable to do any photo editing (or barely get video snapchats/IG stories to go through!) Therefore a lot of the looks I shot before departing got put on the back burner and I’ll be sharing them in the coming weeks instead. I’m also super excited to share the shoots I did in Paris!

The Everlane Day Heel on blogger Meghan Donovan of wit & whimsy

I brought these heels with me on my trip because they just scream French don’t you think? They largely sold out immediately upon introduction but you can waitlist yourself on the site and it’s worth it because you guys, they are c-o-m-f-o-r-t-a-b-l-e! They are a little more mod than the type of shoe I typically wear so I love them for the different silhouette. They also look great with a full skirt or a wide leg pant but this time I styled them with my softest pair of high waisted denim and I rounded up some other great jeans I’ve got my eye on below.

Kate Spade Jeweled Clutch

To give you guys an idea of all that’s going on, this month I have my family in town for several days with a full schedule of fun activities and meals at some of my favorite spots, I am moving at the end of the month & I am kicking off the redesign of the site. Aka: I see little sleep in my future! I’m trying my best to not be overwhelmed by the move as I know it’ll all get done but between buying things for the new place, selling stuff from my current place and the actual packing + unpacking, it’s going to be draining no doubt. All that being said, I cannot wait to share more about my new place with you guys! I’m thinking of sharing some interior inspo – would that be of interest?

The Everlane Day Heel on blogger Meghan Donovan of wit & whimsy

I hope you guys had a great weekend! I have lots more content to share from my trip overseas and am currently in planning mode to try and get out to California in June + get a trip on the books for 4th of July. I can almost taste summer…who is with me!?

The Everlane Day Heel on blogger Meghan Donovan of wit & whimsy

Shop the Post:

Sweater (on sale!) // Jeans // Heels // Kate Spade clutch // Sunglasses // iPhone case (c/o SkinIt)

Denim for Days:

p.s. a denim on denim look and my favorite pair of cheap jeans.

[Bekka Palmer Photography]

comments +

  1. Caitlin says:

    Being is the South of France is the best excuse ever for not getting a post up! 🙂 I can’t wait to see the looks you shot on your trip!

    Caitlin |

  2. Marianne says:


    I have been looking at that sweater for a while . Love the look! Does it run true to size?


  3. Shari says:

    I had a lot of internet issues while in France in March as well. I was actually a bit surprised by that. And cell reception was nil half the time.

    Would love to see your design inspiration. And come to Cali!! We’d love to have you!

    • Meghan says:

      I tend to not have problems in Paris but I think the hotel in the South was overloaded with people trying to use it all at the same time 🙂 Will work on sharing some design inspo! I’m going to need to get rather crafty with my small space 😉

  4. Diana Pearl says:

    I want these heels so bad! The navy color is so, so beautiful!

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