If you love handbags, but don’t know the word “Kooba” you’ve been missing out. Kooba may just be some of the most wonderful, sumptuous leather handbags out there which is why we’re very excited to tell you about their sample sale starting today. However, those of us on the West Coast are way jealous.
Kooba bags from all seasons will be available at up to 80% off retail. If you live in the Tri-State area – go. Now. Are you running there yet??
141 West 36th Street, 19th Floor
Tuesday, November 17th – Thursday, November 19th
10:00 AM – 8:00 PM (but closed 2:00 – 3:00 PM each day)
VISA, MasterCard, AMEX & Cash Accepted
photo courtesy of Bloomingdale’s
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