I would consider myself a near-perfectionist (my mother would take away that “near,” however). I like things a certain way, I do things habitually and strive to be the most organized girl on the planet. An area in which I fall short? Ironing. I truly hate ironing.

This product is a god-send, I kid you not. I discovered it over five years ago and still swear by it. The spray bottle casts a lightweight mist over your clothing with just a few squirts and all that’s left for you is to smooth your hands over the article of clothing, give a little tug and then wait for it to try (usually around ten minutes). It works on everything! I use it on all my clothes- even my jeans, my duvet…the list goes on. Use it on your clothes when they come out of the dryer, if they got buried and crumpled in your closet or were wrinkled in a suitcase or dresser drawer.
Downy Wrinkle Releaser even smells fresh and clean so your clothes appear to have been to the dry cleaners even though you were doing nearly the same amount of maintenance at the fracture of the cost of taking your laundry out to be done!
Granted, the spray won’t give you crisp creases or seams and can’t attack linen or silk as well as the pros, but for everyday use Downy Wrinkle Releaser will save you time, money and bring you a newfound love of getting dressed in smooth, wrinkle-free fashions.
Find out where to buy Downey Wrinkle Releaser near you by visiting their website here. You can also grab a coupon for $1 off here.
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