Rarely do I buy something in multiple colors but when it works well, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, right? This Joie Alicia tank became a wardrobe front runner last summer so much so that after living in it in black(see here, here), I picked it up in this pretty sage color. I love how it pairs perfectly with the soft floral color scheme on this skirt I picked up for Grand Cayman however didn’t end up wearing while there. Naturally once the weather hit 60 degrees though it was time to bare my ridiculously pale legs and debut a spring look. More floral midi skirts are linked below. It’s such a feminine shape for a skirt and so ladylike that I know I’ll be wearing this particular one throughout the summer.
This jacket I received as a thanks for my participation in this collaboration and while I certainly didn’t need another for my collection – I love it. It’s under $90 and the distressing and fit make it perfect for this season.
Hope you had a great weekend! I had a Sunday Funday with my roommates in bed following our celebration of Easter so I will be paying for that as I start my Monday but sometimes you have to throw your to do list out the window and focus on fun, am I right? (as I reach for Advil…)
Have a great start to your week!
Outfit Details:
Zara Skirt (not available online but similar styles linked below)
Quilted Bag (last seen here…there’s also a mini version in several perfect pastels)
NARS Lipcolor in Niagara (this is an awesome every day color for Spring)
Celine sunglasses
Love this look! That floral skirt is adorable, and I love those Aquazzurra sandals – I have them in two colors!
That skirt is GORGEOUS! Also, I love every pair of shoes by Aquazzura. Chic!
The Style Scribe
Amazing skirt – you look gorgeous! Love also the style and color of the bag!
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