This year I had a Christmas miracle occur. Well, not quite. But I did manage to pack for 2+ weeks in a single carry on bag. For this chronic over-packer who has never not shown up at Christmas with a large suitcase declaring, “but winter clothes take up so much room!” it was quite the feat. (Seriously, so much so that I wanted to make it a surprise to my family upon arrival in New York and when I told my mom she first laughed heartily and then when I failed to join in her laughter, was promptly followed by a, “you’re kidding, right?”).
Anyhow, with so few items to work with when it came to getting dressed (on the days I manage to wean myself out of my favorite pair of yoga pants), I’ve had to get creative. Henceforth, stealing this old button down from my brother’s closet. I paired it with a BCBG sweater I’ve had for ages that has a great exposed zipper down the back and a pair of little Target leggings I picked up the other day for ridiculously cheap. Andrea has them so I knew they were comfy and cozy. Menswear items always are a bit bulkier, but when it comes to dressing in Winter, I think it’s an easy look to get away with.
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