Next to DailyCandy, our second favorite daily newsletter comes from UrbanDaddy and therefore we were way pumped when today’s news included the announcement of a brand new iPhone app that they’re bringing to keep us updated 24/7 on what’s happening around us.
The Next Move, billed by UrbanDaddy as “the closest you can come to having an UrbanDaddy editor in your pocket without kidnapping one of us and then buying a much larger pair of pants,” is essentially their great updates in real time and on the go.
The app is chock-full of filtered UrbanDaddy content, honed to meet your exact needs right at the moment you need it—when you’re on the move and might we mention that it is F-R-E-E! Perfection.
If you don’t already, be sure to sign up for the UrbanDaddy newsletters- you won’t regret it.
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photo courtesy of UrbanDaddy
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