Some of my girlfriends and I started a book club last summer (we really must find a better title than ‘book club- so old lady and UNwitty!) and it has proved to be so great! I’ll be honest, we talk about the book for about an hour and spend the next chatting, gossiping and downing glasses of wine and chic and delicious appetizers.
Every WIT should get involved in such a group. Not only is it so fun, it’s a great way to make yourself read (Fashion magazines and Perez Hilton do NOT count for this) and engage in conversation that generates opinions, emotions and thought. One book led us WITs to a completely unexpected political discussion that left us all in contemplative moods and raised questions we’d never even considered. Quite unlike your average Tuesday nights!
A WIT has got to be well read and a book club is the perfect way to achieve this endeavor. Grab your girlfriends now and start your own! I promise it will lead to lovely evenings and great excuses to enjoy good wine, yummy food and best of all- the company of some darling WITs.
Some ideas to get you started on your literary journey that we’ve covered already:
– Marley & Me (look for the movie of this one in theatres this December!)
– The Kite Runner
– A Million Little Pieces
– Bitter is the New Black
– A Thousand Splendid Suns (oops- I never read this one!)
Any suggestions you have are welcome! We WITs always need new ones!
The Red Tent
A Long Way Gone
3 Cups of Tea
Go Ask Alice