
January 26, 2015



I started this particular day pumped to debut these boots and the day quickly got interesting thanks to these tights. In Cincinnati last week I was wearing them and snagged a small hole in the top left thigh while driving with a bedazzled rings (damn the jewelry!) Thinking it wouldn’t be an issue, I donned the tights again last week and after meeting Bekka to shoot these photos, tried to tuck the hole under my skirt…and it ripped allllllllllllll the way down my leg.


At 8:30 in the morning I was due to a doctor’s appointment by 9 am and so after my appointment, no stores on the UES were open so I put the tights on backwards knowing it would bother me less. Yep, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.


Later I found myself buying the worst drugstore tights ever to swap out in the bathroom at work. A truly glamorous day, can you tell? I always felt a little silly buying nice tights but now I know why – trust me – do not buy tights at a drugstore (insert shudder here.)


Anyhow at least I had these boots to get me through the day. I found them at one of my favorite NYC boutiques for – just wait — $99 after the holidays and nearly squealed to the sales associates. I’d had my eye on them for nearly a year so I think it was fate. It turned out to be the fate for both my roommates as well who promptly bought them after me. The hardware on them is just the coolest, right? (PSA: these boots also come in a rain boot version and I’m pretty sure rain boots don’t get any chicer.)



Dramatics aside, I headed into the weekend needing some major unwinding. I achieved this in celebrating my friend Carrie’s birthday (can you believe the happiness in this photo!? I adore it!), saw my friend Amy for coffee, got my hair cut + colored (see here!), took an SLT class (hurts SO good) and enjoyed relaxing in my bed watching Gilmore Girls much of the other time. (I bought new pillows on Saturday and am now newly obsessed with lazy sleep-in mornings.)


I hope you had a great weekend and if you’re out East – stay warm & safe in all this expected snow!


Cashmere Sweater

Banana Republic Necklace (similar here for only $30)

Zara Skirt

Loeffler Randall Boots

Sophie Hulme Bag

DKNY Tights (RIP!)

Celine Sunglasses

[Bekka Palmer Photography

comments +

  1. Buck says:

    I can’t believe we got these boots for $100

  2. Merritt says:

    love this look! Olive + black look great together.

    The Style Scribe

  3. Dana says:

    I totally feel you re drugstore tights – misery!! I am dying to try SLT. I love brooklyn body burn and it seems similar?

  4. Rose says:

    x1000 on the boots…since I bought them too, and did the same thing at our store manager 😉 so glad you got them & love them, and so good to see you last week!

  5. You look amazing! I’m obsessed with those boots, what a great find!

    XO Courtney

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