I’m still getting all caught up on looking at NYFW coverage from the past few days, but two of my favorites so far were from the Rebeccas, Minkoff and Taylor that is. They had great knits, edgy leather pieces, wonderful layers and great earth tones and neutrals all of which I’d pretty much wear. I was supposed to attend these two shows but sadly got caught up in work and wasn’t able to, but thank goodness for Style.com. Rebecca Minkoff’s shoes were of course really awesome and all the sweaters shown at Rebecca Taylor made me wish I was stocking my closet with them now.
Just a few of the looks I liked best above…what shows have been your favorites so far?
watched the livestreams of both of these! love! thank god for the internet or we would have seriously missed out on NYFW!
love from San Francisco,
I want every piece in this!
Step into Estherina’s World
Minkoff seems to be getting it so right in her transition to ready to wear. I love the shoes and the great color pairings
in dramatic fashion