
March 2, 2009

I adore finding new blogs to follow- somehow I can never seem to get enough! I’m also a self-proclaimed beauty junkie so imagine how excited I was to find out Sephora (a long time lover of mine) has a blog!

With fun posts like “How To Spoil Yourself On A Budget” and  “Win Lancôme’s Oscar-Perfect Look!” I only wish I had known about this sooner! I highly recommend adding it to your Blogroll and you can also follow Sephora on Twitter now!

God bless social media & the internet. 

(It does need a little work though in terms of integration and being a bit more user-friendly- i.e.; having their header be a link back to the front page…, but it’ll get there and for now content is most important so this WIT will be sure to follow along for all the new posts).

comments +

  1. Lily says:

    This is a fantastic find! It’s already added to my reader!

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