See me speak at IFB’s Evolving Influence!

August 30, 2011

I’m excited to let all my WIT & Whimsy readers know that this season I’ll be speaking as part of a panel at the Independent Fashion Bloggers’ Evolving Influence Conference here in New York on September 7th.

You can still purchase tickets to attend the conference (I went last season and had such a blast) and if you’re unable to come, you can still tune in to the livestream! More info on my panel (and the wonderful company I’ll be keeping below is below.

Are you attending IFB? If so, I can’t wait to meet you! Let me know in Comments!

Is the Social Media Industry Broken?

11:00-12:30 pm

We all know expertise and time doesn’t come free in other industries, why is social media different? Social media was born out of the ‘free model’– we start blogging for free, use Twitter and Facebook for free…so where do we go from here?  This panel will discuss the role bloggers play in the digital landscape and what the future holds for this rapidly-changing form of media.

Moderator: Tony Wang, post.fashionism • Panelists: Carol Han, Milk and Mode • John Jannuzzi, Textbook • Mark Beeching, Digitas • Yuli Ziv, Style Coalition, Bryce Grober, The Luxury Spot, Meghan Donovan, Wit & Whimsy

Register for Tickets Here!


comments +

  1. Christina says:

    So awesome! I really wish I could be there. Have fun 🙂

  2. Cady says:

    congrats!!! saw this on twitter earlier and I’m excited for you. good luck and I’ll be tuning into the livestream option!

  3. Alicia says:

    So excited for you lady!! Wish IFB wasn’t the same day as LuckyFabb!

  4. Taylor says:

    Atta girl 🙂 So excited for you, can’t wait to hear all the insightful things you have to say, and what lovely frock (seperates?) you will wear! xoxo

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