I have a confession to make in today’s post: I’ve been suffering a severe case of writer’s block for the past few weeks.
Essentially, every time I sit down to post an outfit, I’ve been 100% stalled when it comes to words. I stare at the screen once my photos are uploaded and am at a total loss. (Trust me: this is a rarity.) I can’t figure out what exactly is the cause. I do know I’ve been feeling extra busy and rather overwhelmed with both of my gigs and it feels like things aren’t going to slow down until I head home for Christmas but I also recognize that I’m not alone in that feeling this time of year. (Anyone reading this post with me?)
Anyhow I figured I’d ask you guys what you want to hear more about from me! Anything I don’t address or talk about that you want to read about? Any content ideas you’d like to see from me? If you have two minutes to comment, to email me (meghan [@] witwhimsy.com) or to drop me a line via this feedback form, I would be so grateful. You guys have a real way of motivating me when we start deeper 1:1 conversations and so I figured maybe you all were the key to getting out of this struggle I’ve been experiencing. Sending my thanks in advance <3.
Onto this outfit. It was a no-brainer for me as I love pairing sweaters + skirts (last seen here) with boots and it was finally time to bring these over the knee boots out from hiding. I wear them multiple times a week as soon as the weather drops below 60 degrees and they truly are one of the best things I own.
I hadn’t bought anything from J.Crew in quite some time but then recently placed a big order including this skirt. I loved wearing this outfit because it felt like such a nod to Fall’s arrival with the combo of a hat, plaid + over the knee boots! The skirt would also be great with little loafers or heeled booties.
In putting together this post I realized J.Crew just added another round of new arrivals and I’ve got my eye on a few things which I rounded up below. (Velvet jeans? Yes, please!)
Anyhow I want to thank any of you who may be able to help me brainstorm virtually! It’s almost Friday you guys – enjoy your Thursday & thanks so much for popping by here. Your visits mean the world to me!
Shop the Post:
Sweater // Skirt // Boots (similar, less expensive versions here, here, here) // Goorin Bros. Hat (old; similar here) // Similar Bag here; here
More J.Crew Picks:
p.s. more suede pieces to love and an outfit made to live in.
Writer’s block is the worst. I’d love to hear more business and freelance advice from you! You’re so knowledgeable, and I always appreciate when you share advice and wisdom. I’d especially love learning more about the business of blogging, making the transition to working for yourself vs someone and how you balance both brands (being a blogger vs. being a freelancer/business owner).
Amber – thanks so much for this thoughtful comment! I will definitely look at doing another update post on freelance life and how my transition has been. Will think on it and hopefully share soon! Really appreciate the prompt!