Earlier this year, WIT & Whimsy partnered with luxury handbag designer, Alexis Hudson to offer a stellar discount on their bags. Then, last month, much to my surprise, I was randomly selected as the winner of their StarMatch game which let’s you vote on which AH handbag you think would most suit the star of the month. Then, Alexis Hudson draws a random winner and sends the winning bag to the celebrity and to you. How fun is that?
I was lucky enough to get the Annabelle clutch I was lusting after in champagne. It’s a perfect size for nights out on the town and the hardware wristlet ensures you only need minimal jewelery as the bag itself makes enough of a statement.
J.Crew top, Gap boyfriend jeans, Charles David wedges (also seen here), Alexis Hudson clutch
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wow..just wow!
wonderful handbag i can match it with any outfit…the strap is fabulous – no need for a bracelet! perfect!