Don’t you just love when you come across witty websites that you know will be totally useful and fun at the same time? I certainly do. specializes in finding wines for you and allowing you to compare prices- all at the tips of your fingers. And without having to enter an overwhelming wine store.
Snooth is actually a social network comprised of what can be best categorized as “winos.” You know- those people that love all things wine. Not just drinking it, but learning about it and understanding all its various depths. So, along with this collection of wine lovers, Snooth has built a search engine all with the goal of allowing you, the user, to find better wines. Sounds delicious to me.
Whether you want to explore different types of wines (for example, whites that are best paired with cheese and other small plates) or if you want more choices of wines you already know you love, Snooth can help you. Once you rate a few wines such as those good ol’ back ups you always have on hand should an occasion arise out of the blue, Snooth will give you personal recommendations and stay within the price limits you set.
While you may think Snooth was trying to sell these wines, they are not. In fact, they’re just trying to make your wine-sipping and alcohol-indulging life easier. Try typing in your zip code to see which wines are currently available in your neighborhood. (I see this being extremely useful for the nights after you’ve had a horrendous week at work and just need a glass of wine to unwind but you sure as hell aren’t going out of your way to find the sweet nectar).
The benefits of Snooth go on and on. Check it out for yourself now. I think WIT wine nights and wine country adventures just got even better!!
I’ve been going to wine tastings lately. (At World Market they are free. Do you have one of those in your city?)This is definitely a site I will be checking out.