Order a small serving size
Even if you’re full, you’ll probably eat it if it’s in front of you. So don’t over-estimate your hunger- just always order small.
Skip add-ons
You don’t need chicken or shrimp in the salad or in the pasta. Chances are you wouldn’t miss it if you didn’t think it was an option. So save yourself the calories and sodium and just pretend you were never given the choice!
Too hungry or Too full?
Don’t let is happen! This is where small meals throughout the day can really help. When you’re starving, you’ll over eat to try and compensate. So stay full with snacks like this. When you’re too full, you’ll miss out on dishes or tastes that could have been so eat smart!
All calories count
Even if they’re liquid- calories add up- and quickly! When choosing a cocktail, choose wisely. Remember that they often contain more calories than a WIT could ever imagine so remember that clear cocktails are usually better for you. Oh and anything made with dairy? Stay away!
Need other ways to motivate yourself? Check this book out. You’ll love and hate it at the same time, but it’s totally worthwhile.
Now eat (carefully), drink (semi-moderatly) and be very merry!
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