With each passing year I feel like every time I think I have my beauty routine all figured out, my skin changes. Or my hair texture changes. And therefore I’m always needing to seek out new things to help rectify situations but what I do know is what bad beauty habits I need to avoid.
3. Have an oral hygiene routine and stick to it. On the days when I’m feeling particularly determined, I brush, floss and rinse. Every now and then I whiten at my desk. But seriously do yourself a favor and use an electric toothbrush and floss, floss, floss. The last time I went to the dentist she told me it was her best cleaning of the day and I nearly fell out of my chair. But hey…guess what? I’d been flossing and rinsing nearly every night. Keeps your teeth cleaner and whiter. Win/Win.
4. Don’t pick at your nails. When I am stressed, I peel my nails. It is disgusting, I know. If I’m having a rough week, my nails will show it. So recently I’ve decided to stop letting perfectly decent manicures go to waste when the first nail chips (that’s when I mentally allow myself to go at the peeling) and I choose a color that I have at home to get my nails done (or very close to similar.) This way when my first one or two nails chip, instead of peeling my nails or chipping my polish, i cover up the chips with a polish at home and revel in having a manicure that can – usually – make it through the week.
5. Don’t wash your hair every day. And definitely try not to heat style it every day! I understand everyone’s hair is different but I’ve also had to train my hair to not “want” it to be washed every day. Generally I try to wash my hair only 2-3 times per week. But it took a while for it to adjust to this. My tried and true combo is to wash my hair at night, dry it after applying a hair smoothing cream and a de-frizz serum and then sleep on it. In the morning, I apply my favorite dry shampoo (dozens of others pale in comparison to this one, in my opinion), brush my hair and then either curl it with a rod or put it in up in a bun. Not first before applying this miracle that was sent down from the hair gods.
Oh my gosh, I need to try that powder! I’ve got most of these under control but I am so guilty of number 6. I just can’t seem to stop picking. Thanks for sharing!
Laura | Surf & Hydrangeas
Laura- I hope you get it & love it! It’s a little life saver & so affordable!