This week’s Beauty Edit is more about health & wellness with a focus on fitness but as we all know how we treat our bodies affects us both on the inside and outside…
The other day Grace mentioned this article in her weekend reading and I so enjoyed it because I’ve lived in two cities where wellness is most certainly is a status symbol. The article addresses the idea that the pursuit of wellness has actually become something people want to talk about and showoff.
“For most people, spending so much on staying fit and healthy would be a preposterous indulgence, but for a growing percentage of individuals with high discretionary income, wellness has become an important part of the luxury lifestyle.”
I myself have certainly fell victim to this. I spend a lot of money on a gym membership (which I actually just cancelled last week) and supplement with SoulCycle classes and other studios that strike my fancy. In my late 20s I’ve become a proponent of really finding what works for you when it comes to fitness. For example, when I’d go to the gym I would spend 20 minutes on the elliptical and then get bored and move on to something un-cardio related. I learned I really can’t be held responsible for my pursuit of cardio when solo at the gym. So that’s why classes work better for me.
In truth, I can’t say enough about SoulCycle. To justify the spend I only go 1-2 times per week and I do so at classes where I know I love the teacher. It ensures I make it to class, have a tough but inspiring ride and don’t ever leave disappointed that it wasn’t what I was used to or expecting.
The past 3.5 years I’ve struggled a lot with my weight on the account of having thyroid disease. After having my thyroid successfully removed, rendering me on a pill that replicates the hormone control one gets from a thyroid, I have been petrified of gaining weight. It’s common that those with hypothyroidisim often gain weight and so I’ve been trying to keep myself regimented enough to negate weight gain. So far so good but it takes sacrifice. I need to get in workouts (having my favorite weekly SoulCycle classes keeps me honest on this front), eat healthy (a daily struggle – I love sweets), not drink as much as I used to (oh the hidden calories!) and sleep a lot.
Back to the article, I have also been known to spend too much money at Nike, order $9 juices at Liquiteria (why are they so delicious?!) and go on explorations of new fitness crazes (I’m currently doing SLT classes – they are so hard but so awesome.) And my inner dialogue is always a teeter-toter of emotions of “Stop doing these expensive things” and “but they are good for me” so I 100% agree with the article’s point that these pricey indulgences become more justifiable. Honestly, I feel the need to prioritize wellness and like most things in New York City…it doesn’t come cheap. If I had an inexpensive gym membership I know enough at this point in my life to know it doesn’t cut it in order to get me there and really working out.
So for now I’m going to keep indulging in wellness because frankly, I’ve deemed that better than indulging in cupcakes and pizza which is how I used to make myself better on a rough day (awful, I know. And my body showcased it…) And I’m going to continue getting semi-regular massages & facials and drinking as much water as humanly possible. And next up? I’m going to seek out ClassPass and bring some more variety to my routine. It’s the spice of life, after all.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this front! Do you go to a gym? Boutique fitness classes? Do you juice? I’m curious & would love to hear on social or in the comments below.
[Photos via Pinterest]
Classpass is one of the most amazing things I have discovered. It keeps my accountable since you have to plan a little and can’t cancel day of. It also lets me change things up so I don’t get bored, my body doesn’t hit a plateau and keeps me from having to purchase a million different classes from different places. You will love it!!!
Thanks to Up, I know you’re a fitness guru so glad to hear you’ve loved it and will definitely let you know what I think! Just got mine this week (woot!)
I’m hypothyroid too!!!!! Soul sisters. Constant struggle – for me, I recently changed my diet and cut out most of the bad stuff (i.e. carbs) and have already lost over 10 lbs. I do PureBarre 3-4 times a week, and do some form of cardio (run on treadmill, long walk outside) the other days. Every once in a while I get in a rut if I get bored, so I just change it up with a new class every now and then.
The Style Scribe
We need to talk about this next time we get together! PureBarre is on my try list, too!
I totally agree with justifying spending money on boutique fitness habits if you know it’s going to make you feel better and more accountable in the long run. I currently have my NYSC membership on hold when I started doing ClassPass in November, and despite the too-often-than-not technical difficulties and competition to try to get into popular classes and times, it’s been great so far, especially if you are more of a class person. I definitely feel it’s money worth spent if I’m getting more out of a 45-50 minute class than I would going to the gym on my own account for an hour, and they definitely have some great studios available to try. Would love to hear your thoughts when you take the leap to try it!
I’m so glad to hear you’ve liked CP, Sam! I just got mine and am getting things underway and hoping I love it!
I love this post—and you hit so many of my thoughts about it on the head. Keep it up!!
Love what you wrote and totally agree that while an expensive luxury, if it’s good for us, do it. You can’t feel that bad about spending money on health and wellness-related activities. To combat going broke, I became a cycling instructor in college and have been teaching for years. That way I get paid to work out! Talk about accountability. One of my goals is to make things like facials and massages a priority and not to worry about the cost associated because these things are important to overall health and wellness. I do spend a lot on juices and health food and don’t feel bad about it (most of the time).
Love that you made a passion your career, Amanda! Can’t wait to check out your site.
I loved this. I’ve recently learned that indulgence and happiness can come in all shapes and sizes. Some people enjoy to indulge on makeup, others, like you, enjoy to indulge in wellness. I can’t say I indulge in fitness classes too often (I would love to try Soul Cycle, but there are none in Dublin!). I tend to stick to running and the odd YouTube video here and there!
Chrissy x
“I’ve recently learned that indulgence and happiness can come in all shapes and sizes” – couldn’t agree more! I’d love any good YouTube video recos you have as well!
I definitely relate to this! I used to be pretty good about running outdoors (or at my work gym) but once I got out of that routine, it’s become SO difficult for me to motivate myself to work out…
I’ve recently gotten back into yoga, and I justify it by saying that if I spend the money on a class (by signing up ahead of time online) then I HAVE to go! It’s kind of a chicken-or-the-egg situation, but it’s working so far. And, agreed, there are far worse things to spend money on than your health…!
I just signed up for my first half marathon, Maddy so I’ll be back to running and hoping for some new inspo!
Great post! I used to spend a lot of money on Pure Barre. I had the monthly unlimited package which is not cheap….but I was also spending a lot less money on rent in Cincinnati than my current Chicago apartment. I miss it dearly and I can say I was addicted to pure barre and it made me so happy. I hope to try class pass soon and get back to that same feeling!
Oh and Soul Cycle is FINALLY coming to Chicago!
xo, Jen