When you live in a city like New York it is easy to sometimes get run down. The city challenges you daily but it also makes you seek out enlightening experiences where you fall in love with it all over again. And there’s no better time to do that than during summer. Weekend trips to the Hamptons, Saturdays spent at the pool, runs along the Hudson River or walks in Central Park with a friend…all opportunities to celebrate a life well lived.
In this spirit, I’m excited to share that I’ve teamed up with Crystal Light this year to share a variety of tiny wins. Took the stairs instead of the elevator? That’s a tiny win. Drank your 8 glasses of water (made more delicious with Crystal Light Liquid)? That’s a tiny win. Decided to go for a run instead of a brunch with mimosas? #tinywin! You get the picture but I love that Crystal Light is all about celebrating the little victories because when you live in New York it’s easy to get caught up in less healthy lifestyle decisions. A regular #tinywin of my own? Heading up to Central Park to go on a run and be inspired by all the park has to offer (as seen in these photos)!
Have your own #tinywin you can share with me? I’d love to hear them in the Comments or on Twitter @meghandono!
Disclosure: This post is in collaboration with Crystal Light. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting brands that make WIT & Whimsy possible.
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