warby parker

May 25, 2011


There are some brands out there that just get it. They create embody a unique company spirit (after my own heart), have clever positioning and deliver exactly what the consumer wants (and often needs). Eyeglass company Warby Parker is one of those brands.

The sassy and rebellious folks over there invited me down to their Flatiron offices last week and I got to check out their collections and hear about upcoming plans (like a retail space in New York and…drum roll, please…sunglasses!!)

Few favorite things about WP and a few things to know about ’em:

  1. Their designs are rad. You’ve got your classics and you’ve got your bolder looks. Can’t go wrong with either.
  2. All their glasses are $95 (even Rx glasses!)
  3. They offer free shipping and returns and a Virtual Try On feature on their site- LOVE.
  4. I’ll be soon ordering myself a pair of the Sinclairs– they were my favorite.
  5. They do good stuff for others, too.

The Winston. A style that Kim often rocks (and on whom all Warby Parker specs look a-mazing).

Yes, there is indeed a monocle.

The Warby Parker tortoise shell is frame perfection.

Office displays include cool old books and vintage typewriters.

Thanks so much to Brian over at Warby Parker for having me!

p.s. Thank you all for the love on the WIT & Whimsy’s new look!! All the love on this post made me smile throughout what’s been a rather stressful week so THANK YOU! xoxo

comments +

  1. fshnonmymind says:

    That’s really cool that you got to check out their digs. Did you end up with a new pair of glasses?

    I’ve taken advantage of their try-on at home feature and it was great. Although, I didn’t buy a pair from them, there is a green pair that I loved and will probably get whenever I purchase more glasses.

    Can’t wait to see the sunglasses selection come out!

    • Meghan says:

      their offices are super cool for sure and it was fun to see them! you should for sure buy a pair. i’m going to get the sinclairs this week and will share pics once I’ve gotten them

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