Many of you have read of our love for the one and only Ms. Chelsea Handler. Well this week we’ve moved onto being slightly obsessed with her. We’ve got her show, Chelsea Lately on E!, recording on the DVR (guaranteed to have you laughing out loud) and we’ve got her & Chuy’s blog Inside Chelsea on our Google Reader which also has us in total fits.
Now if you haven’t read the joy that is Chelsea’s best-selling novels, heed this warning: YOU ARE MISSING OUT! You’ll need to stiffle your laughter she’s so witty & outrageous, but more importantly you’ll get to know Chuy aka Chelsea’s assistant, but better known as her “little nugget.” Chuy’s commentary on their blog is priceless. Some of our recent favs from him include:
I Take the Cake
Tue., Jun. 30, 2009 12:32 PM PDT by Chuy Bravo
I want someone to make a wax figure of me like they have in the wax museums and at ms Chelseas next birthday party we can use my wax figure as a giant candle on her cake what a great idea but I will probably forget it
Clever Nugget
Mon., Jun. 29, 2009 11:33 AM PDT by Chuy Bravo
I was thinking about that movie transformers and if I could transform myself into something cool I would like to be a taco truck so if I ever wanted a taco it was already inside of me.
We love it. And then there’s Chelsea and her out there commentary too good as always:
Fri., Jun. 26, 2009 12:04 PM PDT by Chelsea Handler

Kate Gosselin has spoken out about that ridiculous haircut that she’s sporting. She claims that her stylist gets calls from all across the country inquiring about it. I actually do believe that. I also personally put in a call to her hair stylist, to ask her what the hell she was smoking. And does she have any left?
Start loving Chelsea STAT. We doubt you’ll regret it!
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