Weekly Roundup

May 8, 2020

Lady Jacket I wit & whimsy

This week I was particularly grateful for quite a bit to accomplish on the work front for both of my businesses. It kept me busy and really craving the weekend. Historically through all this I’ve found the weekends a bit harder – no work to distract me (except Let’s Make a Drink which is equal parts fun as it is work!) The other day I read in a newsletter “The weeks beat on, the weekends arrive. For many, they’re not so different from the other days. But mark them all the same. It matters.” I couldn’t agree more and it is actually how my Instagram series Let’s Make a Drink series was born – I wanted to celebrate the weekend with cocktails. I also try to do little at home brunches and that helps, too. Do you have any special ways you’re marking the weekends? I’d love to hear them.

I hope you enjoy this week’s roundup and have a good weekend!


  • Binged Normal People on Hulu. I read and enjoyed the book last summer in Provence and thought the series was so well done.
  • I joined an ad network so you’ll be seeing some ads appearing more on the site. This is an effort to recoup some of my lost income that’s occurred since the pandemic started. Hope you can all understand the reasoning behind this.
  • Finally broke down my Amazon Shop into handy categories! Hope you’ll find it easier to find what you’re looking for.
  • Shot a campaign for Ann Taylor in my home all by myself and I have to say – I felt so proud of myself! It’ll be live on Monday – I hope you guys enjoy it.
  • Shared a lip color try on of 6 shades from one of my favorite lip products. You can view it here.




[Image via]

comments +

  1. Good roundup! I have Normal People on my nightstand – just started it – and I did not know they made a series. Will have to take note of it! Also, love the 14 book recommendations from Carly for light, fun reads.

    P.S. Cannot not comment on your outfit, absolutely love how chic it is.

    The Career Edit

  2. El says:

    Missing your Insta stories, hope all is okay ?

  3. Anne says:

    I’ve been a quiet reader for a couple of months now, but only really started reading all your posts and following your instagram since this pandemic has started. I don’t usually follow “influencers” on instagram because I like to keep it more private/ friends and family only, but I did make an exception for you simply because you seem like a genuinely nice person that I want to support. That being said, I totally understand your decision to include more ads on your blog. Since I’m not from the states I cannot shop through your links, but I do try to support you by at least liking your posts.
    Seeing another person that lives alone cope with this pandemic has made the whole situation a little easier for me. Thank you for being so open and transparent with your followers!

    • Meghan says:

      Anne, it means a lot to me that you’d take time to leave this thoughtful comment – thank you for it! So glad you’ve found solace in my content during this time – sending you a virtual hug!

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