On Being Busy Again and Re-entry Anxiety

May 3, 2021

Spring Floral Dress from & Other Stories

I first heard the  term “re-entry anxiety” the other week and I instantly related. Following being vaccinated, I had more social plans on my calendar and I started to feel anxious and drained by plans on certain occasions.

Spring Floral Dress from & Other Stories

Spring Floral Dress from & Other Stories

Spring Floral Dress from & Other Stories

Spring Floral Dress from & Other Stories

Spring Floral Dress from & Other Stories

Spring Floral Dress from & Other Stories

Have you felt re-entry anxiety? I have had a few weekends lately with two or three social plans and if one gets cancelled I feel a sense of relief – even if I had been looking forward to it. I suffer from anxiety as-is so I’ve really been keeping my circle rather closed – prioritizing time with very good friends. It’s been nice to have brunch again and more outdoor meals in my life and New York City definitely feels more alive lately. But things still feel quiet and empty at times and the mask wearing feels like a constant reminder of our reality. 

I’ve been extremely grateful for the work I’ve had of late. It’s been a very, very busy season earlier on in the year than my industries typically warrant. It’s a major shift from this time last year as contracts were paused, cancelled and a lot of my paid work dried up. So every day I am counting my blessings and attempting to find ways to come down from the stress of the day. 

And truth be told – I need a bit of a break. I’m so glad to be heading out of town later this week for my youngest brother’s family-only backyard wedding and then I’ll be going to Colorado for a change of scenery. I plan to take a week off because I haven’t taken any time off since December and I’m due for a mental health break. 

I’m looking forward to time in the mountains with more fresh air, time spent reading and most of all time away from screens for a bit.

With more people getting vaccinated and things opening up I am feeling hopeful but I also remain cautious and aware of what is happening in other parts of the world. I am praying our vaccines continue to work, more people get vaccinated both here in the States and worldwide and that we can start to feel normal again. I miss normalcy. 

. . .

& Other Stories Dress (8) // Loeffler Randall Slides // Zara Tote

p.s. current J.Crew favorites and things I’ve bought and loved lately.

[Pret a Provost Photography]

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  1. Deanna Debrecht says:

    I am also suffering from re-entry anxiety. I’ve been so very cautious this last year, and when I think about going to an indoor restaurant or a crowded outdoor event, I can feel the anxiety coursing through my body. My husband, on the other hand, is ready to get fully back to normal since we are both vaccinated. We will be celebrating his mother’s 80th birthday this summer, and I’m already having heart palpitations thinking about the big party they want to throw. I requested that they choose a venue that is indoor/outdoor, so I will be able to spend most of it outdoors, and I know most of the people coming will be vaccinated, but it still scares me. I’m going to be patient with myself and take as much time as I need to be comfortable 🙂 I hope you have a great time with your family, and enjoy your time off!!!

    • Meghan says:

      I so hope more outdoor events continue for sure! I have no interest in being back in crowded indoor spaces for long periods of time!

  2. Yaudy Cristina says:

    I feel the same way. I am getting anxious as things get better and happy that after a whole year I had a sole what normal busy weekend. I am more anxious about my travel plans to TX next month. I don’t know if my anxiety will allow me to get on that plane. Even though I am vaccinated and miss my nephews dearly, the fear and anxiety get the best of me. Have fun on your travels!!

  3. Em says:

    I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling this way… Hubby and I are also both vaccinated, though not at our two weeks post-vaccine yet, and I just don’t see us going back to “normal” for a very long time. I’m just looking forward to seeing family, and friends, but since there are still so many unknowns with the vaccines and variants, and the reality that many choose not to vaccinate, we’ll continue to lay low. I truly hope and wish for a miracle though…

    Em @ https://bloomingmagnoliasblog.com

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